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How You Can Stay USDA and FDA Compliant with Air Curtains

How You Can Stay USDA and FDA Compliant with Air Curtains

Complying with the USDA and FDA is a tricky and constant process as there are so many regulations that a food establishment or business has to follow. Whether you are a greek, italian, or mexican restaurant, ensuring that your business stays in compliance is a must. The USDA and FDA have gotten more strict about flying insects as well as general sanitation in food establishments. Air curtains can help your business stay compliant with the latest regulations.

Restaurants should be especially interested in purchasing air curtains to keep their establishments free of flying insects. That sounds like an easy task, but there are many entranceways in any given restaurant that flies will be more than happy to exploit. An air curtain creates a powerful wall of air that prevents flying insects from infesting your food establishment. Any time that the entranceway is open the air curtain will activate, which will stop the pests from getting inside the food establishment.

Keeping your food establishment clean, spotless, and free of flying insects should not just be a regulatory requirement. You and your employees should pride yourself on making sure that your kitchen and dining room are spotless. This will help ensure that your organization stays compliant, but also improve your business as customers will notice how clean your restaurant is. Air Door Distributors is here to help ensure that your food establishment is as clean as can be.

The sanitation performance standards compliance guide from the USDA mentions air curtains in regards to open windows and doors. If a restaurant or larger building with a food establishment inside has to keep their windows and doors open for ventilation or other reasons, they have a few choices in order to stay in compliance.

They can apply mesh screens, air curtains, or other effective means. Air curtains are the most logical choice because holes can appear in screens and screens can easily fall out if customers or employees are reckless. There are no clear definitions in the guide as to what businesses can install besides air curtains or mesh screens.

Air curtains are a safe choice as they are securely fastened above a door or window in your establishment. Air curtains will last much longer than other methods that the USDA detailed in their guide. 

The FDA specifically recommends air curtains for the application of loading docks and delivery doors. A loading dock and delivery door are both perfect opportunities for flying insects to infest your place of business. Before air curtains, there were no methods to stop these pests because the openings are so large.

There are a handful of states that require air curtains in food production facilities. Food production facilities are especially vulnerable as their facilities are massive. Plus, the FDA and USDA are much more stringent with food production facilities. Keeping flies out using air curtains will ensure that the food production facility will stay open for years to come with fewer violations.

Keeping flying insects out with an air curtain is going to be one of the only ways that customer products and food stays sanitary. Air curtains can also keep dirt and fumes out of your restaurant. That will make it much easier to keep your restaurant clean and stay in compliance for any surprise inspections from the USDA or FDA. 

Air curtains are also great for several different reasons besides keeping in compliance with the FDA and USDA. They will make your food establishment much more energy efficient. Your heating and cooling systems will not have to work as hard. The air curtain keeps cold or hot air from entering your business, which will decrease any temperature changes inside. An air curtain can actually pay for itself within just a couple of years after being installed.

The USDA and FDA are not the only ones taking notice of air curtains. ANSI/NSF Standard 37: Air Curtains for Entranceways in Food and Food Service Establishments, has approved air curtains for use in restaurants as a way to keep airborne insects out of entrances and windows. Government and regulatory organizations have turned to air curtains to solve many modern-day problems.

Spending the few hundred dollars on an air curtain to ensure that your place of business remains FDA and USDA compliant is certainly worth the investment. Violations can cost your business a lot of money and could potentially get your business shut down. At Air Door Distributors we are familiar with all USDA and FDA regulations that air curtains can help with. Contact Air Door Distributors us today at (866) 402-1642 and we’ll find the right solution for your needs.

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