Low-Profile Air Curtains for Small Business
Low-profile air curtains offer added benefits to traditional air curtains for small businesses.
Low-profile air curtains are the perfect solution for businesses operating in small spaces.
Any brick-and-mortar with doors and windows will face many of the same obstacles no matter the size of the facility. From keeping outdoor temps from creeping in, to keeping pests at bay, air curtains run a long list of benefits that appeal that will help combat those year-round issues and keep both customers and business owners happy and comfortable. But let’s face it, most business owners don’t want a noisy, intrusive piece of metal hanging in the center of their small brick-and-mortar and that’s definitely not something that customers want to look at during a quiet outing. This is where low-profile air curtain units come in. These air curtains, which are available in several models, come in a variety of sizes and installation options that make it easy to fit the needs of any business. Low-profile units are made specifically to fit in small spaces without being intrusive to customers while serving the same useful purpose as a standard air curtain.
Manufactured by top-of-the-line brands like Mars Air and Berner, low-profile units are available in unheated, electric, steam and hot water. These customer-facing, sleek devices are made to fit a range of needs all while fulfilling the many benefits air curtains are known for.
Low-profile air curtains are designed to meet the needs that business owners and customers desire from traditional air curtains, but they also serve the functional needs of smaller businesses that operate in tighter workspaces.
Benefits of a Low-Profile Air Curtain
- Noise Reduction. Often times when we think of air curtains we imagine the sound that often accompanies large pieces of equipment. However, low profile air curtains are made to be just that — discreet. Small business spaces, like art galleries and coffee houses, often seek to offer customers a quiet ambience but can still benefit from the use of an air curtain. Advanced technology in low-profile units help offer the same useful benefits of a traditional air curtain with a quieter output making it the perfect option for smaller spaces.
- More Aesthetically Pleasing. If you are inviting customers into your place of business for the last thing you want is a large obstruction hanging from your door. Air curtains that are designed specifically for these tight spaces are more aesthetically pleasing simply because they are made to fit these spaces and they offer a more inviting and cozy environment both aesthetically and environmentally. If you have low ceilings or clearance areas, these can be placed in a manner that is nearly unnoticeable.
- Eliminate Door Obstructions. No matter what type of business you are running or what sort of facility you are operating out of, it is always important to keep doors free of obstruction for safety purposes and often for visual aesthetic purposes as well. Low-profile air curtains are rarely seen by the unknowing eye and are placed to be completely out of the way. They can help maintain a specified temperature even when doors are left open allowing your passageways to be completely unobstructed.
Did you know?
The benefits of a traditional door curtain hold true with even low-profile units. These units put off a stream of engineered air that creates a seal between two different areas offering a unique way to maintain two separate environments while keeping doors open.
Why is an air curtain a smart choice?
- Reduce energy cost and consumption. The engineered seal created by air curtains will help separate outside and inside air, thus reducing the amount of energy used to maintain desired temperatures.
- Keep bugs out. Air curtains are known for their unique ability to keep bugs from entering through the air stream and forcing them to stay out of areas where customers gather.
Low-profile air curtains are an excellent addition to any coffee house, gallery, small restaurant, deli or other businesses that occupy small spaces. These devices are essential in preventing temperature fluctuations, repelling insects and increasing energy savings.
Are you looking to improve the quality of your business? Adding a low-profile air curtain to your small business will help keep employees and customers comfortable all while keeping your workspace clean and bug-free. The experts at Air Door Distributors are ready to assist you in determining the appropriate air curtain for your specific business and needs. Call today at 866-402-1642 or fill our contact form.