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Sizing Air Curtains Made Simple

Sizing Air Curtains Made Simple

Making any change to your business, especially one that involves adding new hardware, requires careful consideration. That includes not only looking at how you might benefit from the alterations, but also examining the logistics of installation. When you are considering adding one or more air curtains to your business, whether it’s a shipping depot, a retail store, or an office building, this is especially important. The proper functionality of an air curtain depends heavily not only on the way it’s installed, but on choosing the correct model in the first place. In other words, you need to know how to size air curtains for your use case.

How does that work? There are many types of air curtains out there on the market, with all kinds of different features and specifications. How different is a unit intended for use in retail or restaurant applications versus one meant for warehouse doors? Answering questions like that is fundamental to figuring out how to make the smartest purchase for the company. While it can seem daunting at first, choosing an air curtain of the appropriate size isn’t hard — once you know what to look for in your search.

Consider the Application You Have in Mind

Air curtains are not a “one size fits all” type of hardware. Instead, their effectiveness depends heavily on selecting them with a particular use in mind. To answer the question posed above, air curtains for restaurants and warehouses are vastly different. The principle of operation is the same, of course, but the latter requires a longer curtain, a stronger motor, and a more complicated mounting. Restaurant curtains are smaller, more compact, and often much quieter.

That leads us to the first issue of appropriately sizing air curtains. Narrow your search by eliminating all the products that would not work well in your situation. Zero in on low- or high-capacity output curtains designed for your space in particular.

Take Measurements of the Targeted Space

An understanding of the space you’ll need to cover with the air curtain can help you to slim down the number of choices you have. Measure not only the width of the door itself but the amount of space you have above the door and on either side of it. Air curtains don’t conform precisely to the door’s dimensions; instead, there is some overrun on both sides for internal hardware and to ensure a clean, unbroken sheet of air reaches the floor. For larger applications such as warehouses, you may also need to take measurements for additional hardware, such as blower motors, that help to power the curtain during regular operation. Use these as the basis for making comparisons as you shop.

Apply Measurements to Choosing Air Curtains with Correct Specifications

The physical size of a curtain is only one aspect of “sizing” hardware for your business. The actual performance characteristics of the unit are critical as well. “Sizing” a curtain also involves choosing components that can generate an appropriate level of force to achieve proper separation between the spaces the curtain divides. Consider that a warehouse curtain, mounted high above the ground, must propel the air at a much higher initial velocity for it to reach the floor at a gentle flow that won’t bother people. You don’t want to blow away your guests in a retail shop, either; carefully examine the specifications for each curtain to select one with appropriate speed.

Consult with Professionals for More Complex Spaces

Other challenges also influence curtain selection. For example, rooms with multiple doors that may open and close at various times create a complex air pressure setup, which can influence the effectiveness of curtains in operation if you don’t make careful selections, or even consider multiple curtains. Untangling this puzzle can be a challenge, but with professional assistance, it can become much easier. Consider consulting with a reputable supplier as you work to size and source items such as air curtains for your business. Not only can they assist you in understanding how to select curtains by air velocity, but they can also provide you with insight into tackling potentially complicated installations as well.

While it is true that there are many factors to consider as you endeavor to locate the right air curtain, it’s not a process you have to navigate alone. At Air Door Distributors, we’re happy to lend our clients access to our expert understanding of this technology and its many applications. Not only can we assist you by discussing factors more specific to your business, but we have an extensive product catalog that makes it simple to procure the ideal model once identified. To get the ball rolling and move one step closer to harnessing the benefits of air curtains for your business, give us a call or send an email today.

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