Stop Cold Drafts in Your Warehouse with Overdoor Heaters
While every brick-and-mortar business is occasionally faced with trying to keep warm air in their facility and cold air out at some point during the cooler months and colder seasons, warehouses, in particular, are regularly presented with this annoying challenge. With numerous entryways and lots of docks and bays for loading/unloading their trucks, it’s no surprise that most warehouses struggle not only to run energy efficiently, but also to stop those cold drafts from seeping in on a daily basis. Fortunately, there’s an affordable, energy-efficient, and viable solution – over the door heaters also known as heated air curtains.
Cold drafts lead to downtime
Whether cold drafts are accepted as the norm at your warehouse and your employees are used to the winter drafts when your staff walk or work near your facility’s entranceways, that does not mean they are immuned to the repercussions that cold drafts can cause. Spending 8+ hours a day in an environment where the indoor temperature constantly changes from warm and comfortable to cold and drafty (depending upon the area of the warehouse where a worker travels) can often lead to the onslaught of winter colds, fevers, and migraines. Even if your warehouse workers sport gloves, jackets, and hats to deal with the cold drafts, every time they go to the breakroom, washroom, or any other part of the building that is warmer, they are still susceptible to dealing with the frequent changes in the air temperature and in their body temperature. Your staff should not have to constantly be putting on and taking off layers of clothes to be comfortable throughout any given winter’s work day.
Cold drafts create wasted user space
No warehouse employee wants to set up a workstation or an office near a drafty doorway. The constant cold air that seeps through frequently-opened doors is distracting and uncomfortable. Purposefully ignoring prime and convenient work space where drafty doors are situated wastes that work space and increases the time it takes for workers to return to that space to do what they need to do – whether that is welcoming visitors, checking-in products, running out for a delivery, or reviewing the paperwork on inventory. The square footage around the cold doorways could be easily transformed into useable, easily accessible, and comfortable designated work areas with the proper over the door systems set up. By using these once-avoided drafty areas, the other work spaces in your warehouse can then be better utilized for more inventory or to clear pathways to make the flow of the warehouse safer and easier to access.
Overdoor heaters lower energy bills
While the primary and ultimate goal for installing high-quality over the door heaters in your warehouse may be to stop the cold drafts from entering your warehouse, they do offer other benefits as well. Overdoor heaters also provide energy savings. By stopping the cold drafts from starting at your doorways and permeating throughout your warehouse, your energy bill will be considerably lower than what you paid the same months in previous years prior to installing the over door heaters. You’ll notice that difference immediately. That savings can be budgeted for additional energy-efficient improvement throughout your warehouse.
Overdoor heaters are environmentally friendly
It’s not necessary to do a complete overhaul and go 100 percent green overnight. Being environmentally friendly starts with small changes that make big differences. Identifying areas in your warehouse where you are losing heat, wasting space, not operating efficiently, and not contributing to an environment that may be as healthy as it could be for your staff is a start. Once the issues have been identified, finding and implementing solutions speaks volumes about you, your brand, and how much you care about your staff, your customers, and the environment. Selecting environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient systems and processes — like over door heaters – are good for both your company your company’s brand.
Quality overdoor heaters eliminate cold drafts
As with any investment you make for your company, you want the equipment to last, to work well, and to be hassle-free. Berner Door Heaters are one such product. Known for tempering the cold air that rushes through a warehouse’s open doors, Berner Door Heaters are able to mix that cold air with high-velocity heated air. As a result, the indoor temperature of your warehouse instantly becomes more comfortable and more inviting for your company employees, visitors, vendors, and customers. With the Berner Door Heaters, they can be easily mounted at any angle, they’re factory assembled, and they can be connected to either electric power or natural gas.
Finding and implementing ways to make your warehouse more employee-friendly, energy-efficient, and safe demonstrates that you truly value your team. Installing over the door heaters to address and solve the very real daily challenge of cold drafts is an easy, quick, and big fix at an affordable price.