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Stainless-Steel Air Curtains for Meat Processing Facilities

Stainless-Steel Air Curtains for Meat Processing Facilities

Stainless-steel air curtains can be used inside meat processing facilities to provide insect and air quality control.

Stainless-steel air curtains offer meat processing facilities with benefits beyond just temperature control, one being easy clean-up.

While the majority of businesses can benefit from the use of an air curtain, meat processing facilities face a unique set of challenges. With a number of regulations and requirements set before them, these facilities face the daily task of keeping certain areas cool and insect-free in order to meet those standards set by various organizations, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Keeping in compliance with regulations is vitally important to the success of any meat processing facility and the implementation of a stainless-steel air curtain is ideal for the job!

Provides Insect Control

The last thing a meat processing facility needs is an invasion of bugs and insects in the area where food is being processed. Flying insects are naturally drawn to food and a meat processing facility can potentially be easily susceptible to a flood of insects if it leaves itself open to invasion. Stainless-steel air curtains are an ideal solution for keeping pesky insects away from the meat that will eventually wind up on our plates. Like in all air curtains, the steady stream of air put out from the stainless-steel air curtain prevents the entry of bugs into processing facilities and, therefore, away from meat.

Provides Temperature Control

Every business owner with a brick-and-mortar will fight the same battle when it comes to keeping the outside temps out and the inside temps in. One of the biggest benefits of an air curtain is its ability to keep the inside temperatures cool and at the appropriate levels to maintain quality and control inside the meat processing facility. Even with workers passing from inside to outside of the refrigerated areas, the engineered force of air creates a powerful enough seal to keep the outside temps from intruding. Nothing can ruin a quality piece of meat like the hot summer sun, so it is important for quality control that temperatures inside of meat processing facilities be closely regulated.

Helps Meet FDA and USDA Requirements

Thanks to their ability to keep pests at bay, stainless-steel air curtains can help meat processing facilities meet the requirements set forth by the FDA and the USDA. According to, the FDA specifically recommends air curtains be put to use at loading docks and delivery doors to repel insects. More specifically, a number of states actually require air curtains in certain areas of food processing facilities.

Reduces the Risk of Sanitation Issues

Americans are growing more and more concerned about how our food is grown, what our food is fed and how it is processed. By incorporating the use of a stainless-steel air curtain inside of your meat processing facility, the risk of sanitation issues can be significantly lowered because this product will help keep out insects that carry food-borne illnesses.

Easy to Keep Clean

There is nothing quite as potentially unsanitary as a meat processing facility that is left unclean. The ability to keep processing areas clean and sanitized is important to keeping in compliance with FDA and USDA regulations, as well as for maintaining both a quality environment and product. Stainless Steel Wash-Down Duty Air Curtains provide business owners and workers with a simplified clean-up process as this product can be easily be freed of bacteria without running the risk of corrosion. The stainless-steel air curtain can often be cleaned in the same manner as the rest of the equipment that can be found in a meat processing facility.

Reduction of Energy Usage and Costs

While the needs of meat processing facilities may vary from other businesses, there are benefits of adding a stainless-steel air curtain that remain universal no matter what business you are in and the reduction of energy usage and costs is among the top benefits of any kind of air curtain. Due to their ability to help maintain temperature control, stainless-steel air curtains help meat processing plants and other businesses alike save in terms of energy usage and the costs associated with it.

Are you ready to improve sanitation, air quality and energy savings in your meat processing facility or business? Consider the use of a stainless-steel air curtain and its benefits. Air Door Distributors is ready to assist you in determining the appropriate air curtain for your specific business and needs. Call today at 866-402-1642 or fill our contact form.

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